Projectlocker smartsvn
Projectlocker smartsvn

  1. #Projectlocker smartsvn android
  2. #Projectlocker smartsvn code

We get copy of repository by pressing clone button.

#Projectlocker smartsvn android

Select GitHub option from the android studio toolbar as shown in Figure 1.Īfter selecting GitHub option, it will ask us to enter GitHub repository location from where we want to clone repository as shown in Figure 2:Īfter entering repository location, we can test either repository location is correct or not as shown in Figure 3. We need to perform following steps to get repository clone: Instead of setting Environment variable, we can also set location of Git using project structure setting in android studio ( Setting->VersionControl->Git-> Path to Git executable).Īfter having proper setup, now we can checkout and share repositories from/to GitHub using following steps.Ĭheckout means getting repository’s clone from GitHub. That’s way android studio can easily find the location of Git.

  • Set Environment variable of Git command line tool.
  • So, if it is not present on local machine then we can get from this link:
  • Git command line tool is needed to access repository from GitHub.
  • If not then it can be downloaded from the following link:
  • Make sure that latest version of android studio is installed on your system.
  • Before accessing GitHub Repository, we need to make sure that our machine has proper setup.

    #Projectlocker smartsvn code

    GitHub provides all the features of Git as well as its own extra features like Graphical User Interface to create and manage repositories.Īndroid studio also gives us option to check out from and share code on GitHub repository. Git is one of the distributed version control systems and GitHub is web based service to host Git Repository.

    Projectlocker smartsvn